Alcohol Policy

Washington & 杰斐逊学院受宾夕法尼亚州联邦法律管辖. Consumption, purchase, possession, 禁止未满21岁的人携带任何含酒精的饮料.

任何人故意向未满21岁法定饮酒年龄的人提供酒精饮料也是违法的. 学生应该遵守法律,对自己的行为负责. 此外,学院对酒精有以下规定:

  • 在学院的公共区域内禁止饮用酒精饮料或藏有打开的酒精容器, specifically including, common areas, porches, campus housing lounges, athletic facilities and outside grounds. 学生和公众都不能带酒参加任何对公众开放的活动.
  • 向未成年人提供酒精饮料违反了州和地方法律,也违反了学生行为准则. 任何学生或学生团体被发现向未成年人提供酒精饮料,将根据学生行为准则进行裁决.
  • 酒精饮料只能在“封闭”的社交活动中供应,这符合学院政策和州法律. “Closed” functions are by written invitation only.
  • 学生不得饮用隐藏容器或任何大于12盎司的容器中的酒精.
  • 饮酒游戏,如啤酒乒乓或任何其他需要个人喝酒的游戏是被禁止的.
  • 有组织的会员招募活动不得包括酒精饮料.
  • The advertising, promotion, and sale of alcohol are prohibited.
  • 学生个人和学生组织对自己的行为负责, 以及客人的行为,并促进对宾夕法尼亚法律和学院政策的遵守.
  • 违反酒精政策可能导致纪律处分,通过学生行为准则.

Regardless of any prior approval, 如果校园活动或活动变得不安全,学院可撤销对该活动或活动的批准, disruptive, 或创造有利于违反大学政策或宾夕法尼亚州法律的环境. 建议任何考虑举办涉及酒精的活动的组织制定并实施一项计划,以提高其成员和客人对酒精的认识,防止酒精滥用.

Alcohol Emergency Amnesty Law

宾夕法尼亚州有一项酒精紧急特赦法(“好撒玛利亚人法”). 《澳门博彩在线软件》规定,"未满21岁的人在执法时拥有或饮用酒精饮料可免于起诉, including campus safety police, 仅仅因为个人正在为他人寻求医疗援助而意识到拥有或消费. 寻求援助的人必须有理由相信他或她是第一个要求援助的人, must use her/his own name with authorities, 必须和需要医疗救助的人呆在一起,直到救援到来.”

Drug Policy

In accordance with state and federal laws, it is illegal for students to possess, use or sell illegal drugs, and to abuse or distribute prescription drugs. Included in these categories, but not limited to, are: opiates, barbiturates, amphetamines, marijuana, hallucinogens, illegal steroids, date-rape drugs, and other illegal or prescription drugs. Not only is it unlawful, but the presence, 在书院内使用及滥用这些药物,均有悖于书院存在的智力及教育目的. Indeed, 拥有这些物质很可能表明学生没有建设性地从事学术努力. 因贩卖毒品而被捕或被发现拥有大量毒品的个人应立即停职,等待学院学生行为处理程序对案件的最终处理. If the student is subsequently found guilty by the College, she or he may be expelled from Washington & Jefferson College. 在某些情况下,学院可能会寻求包括或向外部执法机构提供信息, evidence or resources to assist in drug investigations.

使用或滥用非法和管制药物是违反学校规定的. Students violating this policy should expect disciplinary action, which may include suspension from the College. Subsequent violations may result in suspension or expulsion.

The possession of paraphernalia, 不区分其是否已被用于其预期目的, is prohibited. Therefore, students are not permitted to possess hookahs, water pipes or bongs, and/or pipes designed to smoke tobacco alternatives.


Psychoactive Drugs  

Criminal Penalties for the use and possession of illicit drugs, along with illegal use of prescription drugs, vary greatly. 拥有大量毒品通常会导致分销的刑事指控, leading to much stiffer penalties. Some examples of criminal penalties:

  • 持有毒品的犯罪记录会自动导致失去一年的联邦财政援助.
  • 持有毒品的犯罪记录可能妨碍获得专业执照和/或认证.
  • 持有不超过30克大麻——最高30天监禁,罚款500美元.
  • 持有任何管制物品,比如海洛因——最高1年监禁,罚款5000美元.
  • 持有5克以上可卡因,5-20年监禁,1000美元罚款.
  • Manufacture, distribution, importation of any designer drug, such as ecstasy - up to 20 year in prison and $250,000 in fines.

No Exception for Medical Marijuana

Marijuana is not permitted on campus, even with a prescription. Since W&J接受联邦援助,根据联邦法律,大麻仍然是非法的,这是W&J政策规定,任何形式的医用大麻都不允许进入校园.